文徳中学校トップページ » 日々のできごと » 令和6年度 結団式を行いました(A Joint Inauguration Ceremony for the Sports Day)
On April 18th (Thurs), Buntoku Junior High and High School held a joint Inauguration Ceremony for the Sports Day that will be held on April 28th (Sun).
At the ceremony, following Buntoku High School’s student council president, Buntoku Jr’s student council president, Ms. Ideguchi, gave a speech about how everyone should work together to make the Sport Day’s theme of “brilliance” become reality.
Our head of the PE committee then gave a speech saying, “Let’s do our best in each sport with energy, motivation, and power to avoid injury.”
These two speeches from the student council president and the head of the PE committee brought moral to the group as a whole.